Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith.

By Mathew Stover.
This book is the best book ever. This book is about the epic battles of the clone wars, the fall of the Jedi and the unmasking of the sith lord. This story is a lot like the movie but with more action. It talks about all the main characters and the book is done by Mathew Stover, one of the real authors of star wars. There is only one problem with the book it isn’t long enough.
The story starts with the battle above Coruscant and Obi-Wan’s hate for flying. The story goes on like the movie and it explains the parts of the movie that not many understand. Like Addi Mundie (a Jedi) looks back for a reason not because he is going to be killed but for another.
This book is for all star wars fans! There are other books done by Mathew Stover like Death Star, Iron Dawn, Jericho Moon, Heroes Die, Star Wars shatter point and many more!!
By Hayden C. 9B6