Monday, May 15, 2006

The Wand in the Word

- Conversations with Writers of Fantasy

Compiled and edited by Leonard S. Marcus

If you are a fantasy fan (and I am not particularly) then you will love this book. I went straight to the interview with Garth Nix and found it immediately absorbing. Nix answers questions about his childhood reading, how he came to be a writer, how he organises his work, about research and advice for young writers. My favourite answer is to the question What is the best part of being a writer?:
"Making up stories. Finishing a book. Receiving the first copies hot off the press. Having my work sit on the same shelves as books by authors whose work I have admired all my reading life."

The illustrations include a copy of handwritten notes for Drowned Wednesday. Great stuff! Other authors featured include Brian Jacques (Redwall), Ursula K. Le Guin (Earthsea), Tamora Pierce (Song of the Lioness), Philip Pullman (Northern Lights) and half a dozen more. Would love to hear some reviews of the other interviews in this book from some of the many fans of these authors.

Meanwhile, there seem to be a dozen Garth Nix websites out there but his own fairly plain one is my favourite. It has his own humorous comments and has lots of interesting stuff, plus links to all the sites which are produced by his publishers. Garth Nix