Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Tomorrow series: When the war began (book 1)

By: John Marsden
reviewed by Yr 9 student

Remember those stories of war veterans in history where they explain their version of a war that they have experienced themselves. Well this book isn’t much different, it’s about 6 friends aged 15-17 who experience a war themselves. After having a holiday in the summer time as a group, going to a place well known by the locals as Hell. After coming back from their summer holiday they discover that a terrible thing has happened in ‘Wirrawe’ (the community they live in), invaders have come and are holding the Wirrawe community as hostages. After thousands of bullets, hundreds of torpedoes and countless lives, can they save Wirrawe, or even more important... themselves.

I give this series 9/10

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