Thursday, August 16, 2007


By Louis Sachar

Reviewed by Ben C. of Year 7

Holes is a great adventurous book that has alot of nail biting situations.

The main character Stanley Yelnats is a very unlucky person due to his great, great, great grandfather. He was supposed to carry an old lady up to a stream which would provide any person who drank from it a life of good health. But he moved to America. So the Yelnats family was cursed.

Stanley was walking along and a famous pair of stolen shoes fell from the sky and into poor Stanley's hands. Stan started to run because he thought he was lucky until the police caught him. He was trialled and was guilty. He had a choice to go to juvy or Camp Green Lake. He chose the camp. But it was no ordinary camp. It was a hot desert. Stan and other criminal boys were to dig deep holes.

Stan makes friends and gets betrayed. One camper escapes and Stan takes a gruelling challenge to look for him.

You'll have to read the book to find out what happens!

Rating: 9 and a half out of 10
Reviewed by Rohith of Year 7
Holes is a funny, adventurous and nail biting tale. Stanley Yelnats has bad luck all the time because of the family curse. Soon he gets arrested and has a choice of going to jail or camp. Soon he is on his way to camp. When ge gets there he is sent to D tent. Every day they have to dig a hole five feet deep and five feet wide. By digging the holes can Stanley and his team break the curse.
I would recommend this book to little kids all the way to adults. It is the best book you can read. You would be reading this book over and over again.
Reviewed by Adrian L. if Year 7

8 star rating

Holes was a big seller because the book was interesting. It kept you at the edge of your seat. This book was great, it had an amazing storyline as it was about a boy named Stanley Yelnats who got caught stealing shoes. But he was actually innocent, as you find out, as he just picked up the shoes from the ground and was harshly punished and eventually got sent to a camp called Camp Green Lake, which is where you had to dig holes all day.
Stanley was bullied by his so called mates such as Armpit, and then got the nickname Caveman. He then made a friend called Zero and taught him to read. Zero ran away from the camp and Stanley followed a few days later. Eventually they found a food source and survived, but then returned to find some treasure. Stanley’s lawyer proved him innocent and as well as Zero.
Stanley’s parents opened a new Camp Green Lake which was not a punishment camp but a luxurious camp. I recommend you read this book.

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