Thursday, August 23, 2007

McKenzies Boots

By Michael Noonan
Reviewed by James G. of Year 9

Don’t you just get annoyed about being forced to read a novel for English class? What is more annoying is that after you explain to your friends how boring the book is, you discover it is actually quite a good book.

McKenzie’s Boots is the inspirational story of a young man named Rod who was drawn to the action and adventure of the New Guinea Campaign. There was one problem with Rod’s war career, he was four years under the legal age requirement. Rod was only 14 years old, going into war for two reasons; to witness the finest war ships, and for his childhood crush, Brenda King.

Going into war isn’t a walk in the park, especially when you are going into battle trying to protect your true identity. During his war career, Rod encountered many obstacles, including encountering with his former teacher and confrontation with his fellow soldiers about being the right age.

Through the story, Rod encounters a Japanese soldier while he was out catching butterflies. The platoon leader hears about this and sets up a plan to capture a young Japanese man for interrogation, sending him back to Sydney accompanied by Rod who was chosen to lead the Jap safely.

After his short, enjoyable leave, which included a kiss by his crush Brenda King, Rod returns to New Guinea, receiving a medal of bravery and a higher rank.

Later on in the book, after obtaining a new pair of giant boots, Rod gets shot twice while killing the Japanese Commander with his bayonet, a true act of bravery. Rod gets buried, and it is revealed later on in the story that he is not only admired by his fellow soldiers, but also by the enemy.

I recommend this book for anybody who enjoys a good inspirational story, I give this book a 9 out of 10.

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